
Admission to DBS is based on several criteria designed to ensure that the student is capable of success in a bilingual program;

  • Age of student
  • Space availability
  • Admissions test scores
  • Schooling history
  • Performance in interview (for KG students)

Priority is granted to siblings of current students, children of alumni and staff members. In the case of reaching full capacity, students meeting the acceptance criteria but not admitted, shall be placed on the waiting list.

  • CDC (Pre-Kg) students must be 2 years and 6 months on or before 15/9 of the school year.
  • KG1 is limited to students who are 3 years and 6 months on or before 15/9 of the school year.
  • KG2 students must be 4 years and 6 months on or before 15/9 of the school year. And so on through grades 1 to 12.
  • SEN students need to have a chronological age of 5 years and 6 months.
  • Vocational students must be 16 years old
  • CDC and SEN students must be toilet trained.
  • Apart from students applying for CDC (Pre-KG) and KG classes, where only a personal interview is required, all applicants shall be assessed in English, Arabic and Math skills relevant to the grade level that they are applying to.
  • A maximum of ONE re-assessment is allowed, based upon the parent’s request and the Superintendent’s approval. There is a separate fee for this re-assessment.
  • Different criterion are applied to students applying to our Learning Support Unit, Special Educational Needs and Vocational units.
  • The registration office will notify the parents of assessment results. Parents of grades 1-12 students will receive the assessment results two days after the tests. Preschool and KG parents will be advised of admission results one day after the interview.
  • The school will not accept students who display limited mobility, limited language skills and severe behavior difficulties.
  • Students may be denied admission should there be behavioral concerns or a display of low English proficiency.
  • An application form available at the registration department must be submitted along with the following documents;
    1. One recent passport size photograph
    2. A copy of the student’s birth certificate
    3. A copy of the student’s passport
    4. A copy of the student’s civil id.
    5. Copy of both parents’ civil id.
    6. Behavior/attendance reports from the current school
    7. Copies of the last two annual reports cards including the end of year report for the current year
    8. For students applying to high school, transcripts/report cards from grade 9 until the current year should be provided.
    9. A copy of the medical/psychological report for Special Education students.
    10. A copy of the disability certificate from the Public Authority of the Disabled (S.N. students).
    11. A copy of the educational committee decision at the Public Authority of the Disabled (S.N. students).
    12. Clearance certificate and health file for transfer students.
  • Upon completion of the basic requirements, the registrar will set a date for the assessment tests.
  • Once assessment results are ready, the superintendent will provide the final acceptance/denial decision. This decision is based on the test results, the division principal’s recommendation and the student’s previous academic and behavioral records.
  • An acceptance letter is issued in the event of a successful application. A KD/100 Registration Fee is payable and is non-refundable in the event that your child does not take up the place at DBS. The registration fee is credited to your first applicable fee invoice.

General Information for Prospective Students


Dasman has adopted the Common Core State Standards for Language Arts and Mathematics in the fervent hope of improving the standard of our academic program.

The Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life. The standards clearly demonstrate what students are expected to learn at each grade level, so that every parent and teacher can understand and support their learning.

The standards are:

  1. Research and evidence based.
  2. Clear, understandable, and consistent.
  3. Aligned with college and career expectations.
  4. Based on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skills.

ELearning has become an integral component of our curriculum, designed to equip our students with 21st century technological skills. Incorporation of IXL, Britannica, Education City and the Google classroom is gradually taking place across all grade levels, in addition to the availability of electives for our high school students.
Our pre-K and KG 1 classes are implementing the Oxford Show & Tell, which is excellent for vocabulary acquisition and oral communication in a bilingual setting.

The Special Needs Division provides multi-disciplinary support services to facilitate the academic, social and emotional development of students whilst the Vocational program equips students with a blend of academic and workforce competencies. They all use a modified curriculum, which is ably supported by specialist Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists and Speech Language Pathologists to maximize their success rate.


The following international accreditation bodies accredit DBS:

  1. Council for International Schools
  2. Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools
  3. BTEC Pearson
  4. New England Association of Schools and Colleges
  5. ASDAN.

The school is also formally recognized by the Kuwait Ministry of Private Education, which has equalized the school’s diploma with Kuwait’s general secondary certificate.

School Uniform

The school uniform shop is located in the basement level of the D7 building. The purpose of the school uniform is to create a unique sense of identity amongst students and to make identification of different divisions easier.
General requirements

  • All clothing must be loose fitting.
  • Sleeves must cover the shoulder and the upper arm.
  • Shirts must be appropriately buttoned.
  • All tops should be branded with the school logo.
  • CDC until grade 5 students will wear blue shirts with navy blue pants/shorts/skirts.
  • Grades 6 until 8 will sport light blue polo shirts with navy blue pants/skirt pants.
  • HS students are expected to be in white polo shirts with navy blue pants.
  • Sweatpants and jeggings/leggings are not acceptable!
  • A grey and white PE Kit is available to all students.
  • All shoes are acceptable except for flip-flops and slip ons.
  • DBS branded hoodies and winter jackets are available for the entire school.