

Workshop Thinking and Self-Learning _DR Richard Cash

For More Information  please contact Mr. Essam Abuhweij on : 96631678


Arabic Weekly Lesson Plans

لمتابعة الخطط الدراسية الأسبوعية لقسم الدراسات العربية للمراحل الدراسية رياض الاطفال والمرحلة الإبتدائية والمرحلة المتوسطة 

انقرعلى الرابط

Arabic Department Newsletter page

رسالة إلى أولياء الأمور

اختبار قياس التحصيل الدراسي (MAP)

لمزيد من المعلومات حول اختبار يرجى زيارة الموقع الالكتروني 
أو قراءة الحزمة الكاملة للوثائق الخاصة بأولياء الأمور من خلال

High School Parents

Dear High School Parents ,

Kindly be informed that the quarter 2 tests for high school students will be held first and second periods for all English subjects. As for the Arabic subjects, it will be during the first period and homeroom. 

Please encourage your kids to be in school on time for their tests.

Thank you for your continuous support.


The High School Team

Press coverage

Arab Times  press releases of DBS, Press conference

represented by Mrs. Samar Dizmen & Dr. Richard Cash that took place on November 20th 2017. And photos from the workshop that started yesterday 21st November 2017.


Press coverage

Kuwait Times press releases of DBS, Press conference

represented by Mrs. Samar Dizmen & Dr. Richard Cash that took place on November 20th 2017. And photos from the workshop that started yesterday 21st November 2017.


Middle School Final Exam Schedule 2017-2018
HS Grade 12 Exam Schedule Semester One


LSU Exam schedule (Semester one)
